Welcome to Borneo Chiropractic Spinal Centre

Business Hours: : Mon-Fri: 8.30am - 5pm; Sat: 8.30am - 12.30pm
  Call : (088) 218 068 / (011) 1621 9795

  • We <span>Care</span> for <span>You</span>

    We Care for You

    We care about people, we listen closely, and when we've diagnosed your problems, we give you our best.

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  • Meet our <span>Chiropractic Specialists </span>

    Meet our Chiropractic Specialists

    Borneo Chiropractic Spinal Centre is a fully equipped chiropractic and physiotherapy center that specializes in the treatments of spine, joint and sports related injuries.

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  • Chiropractic Services <span>That You Can Trust</span>

    Chiropractic Services That You Can Trust

    Chiropractic is a primary healthcare profession that focuses on the spine and biomechanics changes from musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles and joints).

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Chiropractic is a branch of the healing arts which is based upon the understanding that good health depends, in part, upon a normally functioning nervous system.

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Our Services

Our specialist chiropractors employ best practices and abide by clinical guidelines.

Licensure and Education

Licensed DCs have met the required chiropractor education requirements, and they hold a chiropractor license and the necessary chiropractic certifications.

What Can I Expect on My Visit to a DC ?

Knowing what to expect from the first chiropractic visit can help an individual receive the maximal benefit from chiropractic treatment.

Professional Boards & Affiliations

Our Professional Affiliations

History of Chiropractic

There is some evidence that the practice of chiropractic can be traced back to ancient Egypt (4000 B.C.), China (2700 B.C.) and Greece (1500 B.C.).  The “Father of Medicine,” Hippocrates (500 B.C.), who was renowned for ridding medicine of superstition and quackery famously said “Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases”.

Modern chiropractic-

The profession began in 1895 its founder, Daniel David Palmer. He lay the groundwork for the chiropractic profession by founding the Palmer School of Chiropractic. Doctors of Chiropractic today treat a variety of conditions through detailed assessment of biomechanics and posture. We use the same time- honored methods of consultation, case history, physical examination, laboratory analysis and x- ray examination as any medical doctor. We then provide a careful chiropractic structural examination, paying particular attention to the spine.

Our ability to accurately evaluate structure and function of your spine is what makes chiropractic care different from other health care procedures. Your spinal columns are a series of movable bones which begin at the base of your skull and end in the centre of your hips. Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves extend down the spine from the brain and exit through a series of openings. The nerves leave the spine and form a complicated network which influences every living tissue in your body.

Accidents, falls, stress, tension, overexertion, and countless other factors can result in a displacements or derangements of your spinal columns, which can cause irritation to your spinal nerve roots. These irritations are often what cause malfunctions in the human body such as pain radiating into the limbs, numbness and weakness of muscle groups. Chiropractic reduces or eliminates this irritation to spinal nerves through a combination of therapeutic techniques which allows your body to operate and heal injuries more efficiently

Meet our Chiropractic Specialists

Borneo Chiropractic Spinal Centre is a fully equipped chiropractic and physiotherapy center that specializes in the treatments of spine, joint and sports related injuries.

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